Editorial Policy

Our mission is to simplify complex midwifery information so that our readers have the confidence to manage every aspect of their maternal health and well-being. Midwifery is filled with personal decisions and challenges. Whether you are expecting a baby, seeking prenatal care, or caring for a newborn, you have questions that need answering.

At Lucy, I'm Pregnant, we aspire to provide the highest quality content.


Empowering: Midwifery can be complex and intimidating. We provide you with information that you can use with confidence, whatever your level of experience.

Unbiased: From birthing options to the implications of government policy, we put things in context and provide all the facts. Our information is carefully researched and is not written to support any specific medical or political viewpoint.

Accurate: Having accurate midwifery information, presented clearly, is of the utmost importance to us. We seek out and work with the most qualified experts across every topic we cover, adhering to British midwifery regulations and standards. Any mistakes, inaccuracies, or misrepresentations identified by our readers are investigated and corrected promptly. Please contact us for corrections.

Inclusive: We work to ensure that our content serves—and depicts with dignity and respect—people of different ages, nationalities, religions, gender identities, sexual orientations, ethnicities, relationship statuses, physical and mental abilities, and family types.


We are committed to following the Codes of Ethics of the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and the UK National Health Service (NHS) guidelines.

Our content is guided by and upholds the Society for Professional Journalists’ foundations of ethical journalism: being accurate and fair, minimizing harm, acting independently, and being accountable and transparent.

Lucy, I'm Pregnant content is for informational purposes and is not intended to substitute for the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

Editorial Process

Our staff of editors and network of expert contributors write and manage all the articles you find on Lucy, I'm Pregnant. We don’t provide specific medical advice but do offer relevant analysis, context, insights, and educational information to help you make smarter, better-informed decisions. Wherever possible, we provide examples that help put complex topics and concepts into perspective.

Our editorial team is continually evaluating the articles across our site to flag any that contain information that is known to be or is likely to be out-of-date. Such articles are reviewed and updated or, if necessary, completely rewritten, rechecked, and re-edited. Our network of experienced experts, who uphold our process and policies, assist with our updating efforts. Articles that have been updated are date-stamped to reflect this.

Quality Standards

Every article you see makes a reasonable effort to make sure that it is responsible, accurate, understandable, helpful, and reflective of our editorial principles.

All staff are responsible for disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.

Warranty and Liability Disclaimer

The information, opinions, and analyses expressed on Lucy, I'm Pregnant are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as individual medical advice or recommendations.

While we strive to provide accurate and reliable information, we do not warrant its accuracy or completeness. The views and strategies described in our content may not be suitable for every individual's situation.

As each person's healthcare needs are unique, a licensed healthcare professional should always be consulted before making any medical decisions.

Lucy, I'm Pregnant makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein.